takng shrooms
Risks of Magic Mushrooms

The effects of shrooms are the same as those of LSD. They mostly alter the perception of time, space, mood, and feelings. The effects of psilocybin vary between people depending on the mental state, personality, and environment.

People with mental illness face a higher risk of having an extremely bad experience. The most adverse event are reported after recreational use of shrooms is psychological distress. I was never interested in buying shrooms until they were legalized in Canada. Here are some risk factors of taking magic mushrooms:

Bad Trip

This is the common risk associated with the use of magic mushrooms. A bad trip can cause feelings of anxiety, fear, or paranoia. Temporary paranoia can occur following days of using shrooms.

The other unpleasant effects of a bad trip include; agitation, confusion, delirium, psychosis, and syndromes that are close to schizophrenia which might be an emergency. In some cases, these effects often resolve in 6-8 hours. One should visit a hospital immediately if the symptoms persist.



The hallucinogenic effect of magic mushrooms is also known as a flashback. It is the recall of an intensely traumatic experience. The occurrence of the upsetting experience might be from a bad trip or hallucination just takes control.

The hallucinogenic effects can last from weeks to years depending on the intake of psilocybin. It can also alter a person’s emotional experiences which can lead to dangerous behaviors when not supervised. Due to the hallucinogenic effects, it is advised to remove magic mushrooms from …

magic mushrooms
Benefits of Taking Magic Mushrooms

Like marijuana, magic mushrooms are classified as psychedelic drugs (largely considered illegal). The notion that magic mushrooms pose a danger to our wellbeing appears to be long gone. As potent psychedelics, often associated with invoking vivid hallucinations, magic mushrooms offer lots of potential benefits. While only a few benefits might be known, research on magic mushrooms is still ongoing.

mushroom headWhile there are misinformed facts about these plants, it is evident that this plant offers numerous benefits. Instead of searching for where to buy magic mushrooms in your home town, opt for ordering psilocybes online. This article takes a closer look at some benefits offered by magic mushrooms.

Personality Change

A small dose of magic mushroom can leave you with a life-changing experience. Besides the immediate effects, some people are willing to go to great depth to explain how magic mushrooms changed their personalities after using them. Medical findings could also back these effects. Psilocybin, the main ingredient, has been proven to profoundly affect parts of the brain that control cognition, mood, and perception.  

The use of magic mushrooms has a mind-opening effect that gives us the potential to see the good and the bed. It could be at a personal level or the environment. However, this feeling is critical in helping you change your line of thought.

Habit Change

Most people can attest to the fact that dropping a bad habit is not easy. However, using magic mushrooms comes with some enlighten and reflection, which helps users contemplate their