Making your car run at its peak
Most car enthusiasts would understand the difference between having a car with factory specifications and having a car upgraded to be more powerful. Most of us like to have a car that can go fast when required so that we can get the adrenaline pumping and feel the rush. Here are a few things that can help you boost your vehicle’s performance.
Upgrade the engine
We all know that there are a few things you can do to your car’ s engine which include a throttle body upgrade, aftermarket air intakes or cold air intakes, high-flow catalytic converters, performance chips & programmers and superchargers or turbochargers. Depending on your car and the capacity of the engine, any one of the above can make it faster and more powerful. But before you decide, make sure that you read the car’s user manual and get advice from an expert as the wrong modification can damage your car and put you at risk too.
Fuel and lubricants
When you go to the gas station, you may have seen various types of petrol and oils marketed. The fuel that a car often uses, which is petrol, has what is known as the octane level. The higher the octane, the better the combustion and the pressure created in the engine. Lubricants, on the other hand, are used to make the parts in the engine run smooth without causing friction. Friction can cause the parts to slow down and also wear easily. Ensure the lubricant you …